Dear Partner,
It's been twelve years since we last communicated which made it difficult for me to retrieve your email address, I had to beg the probate office for a recall of your profile since I was unable to reactivate my old email account. Please, forgive me for not being able to reach you before now, my silence wasn't wilful; I made unrelenting efforts to give you statues of our unfinished transaction at the time, but all efforts were to no avail. At last, I am glad that I am reaching you today with a great news.
It is with great pleasure to inform you that my attempt to bestow certain amount of money on you as the beneficiary was later accomplished with the assistance of a new partner. I never blamed you for any inaction whatsoever as I totally understood that your reservations at that time were as a result of the skepticism rounding unsolicited cyberspace businesses. However, I still appreciate the efforts your made at the preliminary stage of the transaction that did propel the swift release of the funds.
If you would remember how we mapped out plans to invest part of the funds in your country once it has been warehoused in the custody of your bank; eleven years down the line, I've succeeded in growing a business conglomerate from my little beginning as a mainstream petroleum marketer, and today I am a joint owner of three Oil Blocks both In Nigeria and Carbon and I have the African Diamond exporting franchise which is my core investment and a subsidiary Cotton farm/exports from West Africa.
My conscience will not be at rest until I have expressed my heartfelt gratitude to you being the pioneer facilitator of my achievements today. I hereby plead with you to contact my Senior Special Assistant whom I have instructed to nominate your organization on the Figure 1-Category In my corporate philanthropy programmes where you will be receiving $1,000,000,00 funding annually to support your activities and end goals. You may email him right away and direct further inquires to him as he is looking forward to hearing from you.
Contact Name: M.j. Turku Ali.
Thanks for your understanding.
Charles Vandi.