From: "Mr. sean marcus" <>
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2017 17:03:36 -0600
Subject: Business proposal
Watson, Farley & Williams LLP Solicitor, Advocate and Notary Public Office:=
15 APPOLD STREET, LONDON, EC2A 2HB, ENGLAND This Is Our Last Notice to You=
We wish to notify you again that you were listed as a beneficiary to the t=
otal sum of US$ 50,000,000.00 Dollars in the intent of the deceased(name no=
w withheld since this is our second letter to you). We contacted you becaus=
e you bear the surname identity and therefore can present you as the benefi=
ciary to the inheritance since there is no written will. Our legal services=
aim to provide our private clients with a complete service. We are happy t=
o prepare Wills, set-up and administer Trusts, carry out the Administration=
Of Estates and prepare and administer Powers Of Attorney. All the papers w=
ill be processed in your acceptance. In your acceptance of this deal, we re=
quest that you kindly forward your letter of acceptance,your current teleph=
one and fax numbers and a forwarding address to enable us file necessary do=
cuments at our high court probate division for the release of this sum of m=
oney in your favour. For more information contact
Yours faithfully, Barrister Sean Marcus. Principal Partner. my message...
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