From: "Harald Alfredsson" (may be fake)
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Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2017 07:50:33 -0800
My name is Harald Alfredsson a Swiss citizen,and my late father was a member of Independent Committee of Eminent Persons (ICEP),Switzerland. ICEP is charged with the responsibility of finding bank accounts in Switzerland belonging to non-Swiss indigents, which have remained dormant since World War II It may interest you to know that In July of 1997,the Swiss Banker's association published a list of dormant accounts originally opened by non-Swiss citizens.
I got your email address randomly from a website listing,After careful search on the Internet data banks for a person of calibre and pedigree and upstanding repute,i settled for you.
These accounts had been dormant since the end of World War II (May 9, 1945). Most belonged to Holocaust victims.The continuing efforts of the Independent Committee of Eminent Persons (ICEP) have since resulted in the discovery of additional dormant accounts - 54,000 in December, 1999.The published lists contain all types of dormant accounts, including interest-bearing savings accounts,securities accounts, safe deposit boxes, custody accounts, and non-interest-bearing transaction accounts.Numbered accounts are also included.Interest is paid on accounts that were interest bearing when established.The Claims Resolution Tribunal (CRT) handles processing of all claims on accounts due non-Swiss citizens.
A dormant account of the same surname as yours with a credit balance of Thirty-five Million US dollars plus accumulated interest was discovered by my father.The beneficiary was murdered during the holocaust era,leaving no WILL and no possible records for trace of heirs.
The Claims Resolution Tribunal has been mandated to report all unclaimed funds for permanent closure of accounts and transfer of existing credit balance into the treasury of Switzerland government as provided by the law for management of assets of deceased beneficiaries who died interstate (living no wills).My father being a top executive at ICEP, left behind all secret details and necessary contacts for claim of the funds without any hitch. The funds will be banked in a tax free, safe haven for funds and we can share the funds and use in investment of our choice.Due to the sensitive nature, I need a foreigner to HELP claim the funds.
All that is required is for you to provide me your details for processing of the necessary legal,and administrative claim documents for transfer of the funds to you.Provide me with your full name, address, and telephone.
I will ensure that the fund is transferred to a secure, numbered account in your name, and you can now start accessing the funds gradually and transferring to your country and other banks of choice in the world.
My share will be 60 percent and your share is 40 per cent of the total amount. THERE IS NO RISK INVOLVED
The Holocaust Claims Processing Office has put funds in Escrow awaiting submission of valid claims for necessary disbursement.I find myself privileged to have this information and this may be a great opportunity for a life time of success without risks.
Pardon me if this is against your moral and ignore this request.But if you are interested,please write back to me on
Thank you for your prompt response.
Harald Alfredsson