From: Christy Walton <test@intaktiv.intl>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2017 15:21:10 +0200
Subject: Re:
Calvary greetings to you in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. My name is Christy Walton and I am
a. U.S. citizen, I am a widow and a business woman. I have recently been diagnosed with esophageal cancer
and a rare heart disease which has defied all medical treatment. Expert diagnosis has shown that I have few
days to live. In June 2005, I inherited the sum of US$18.2 Billion from my late husband Mr. John T. Walton
following his death in a plane crash. Presently, I am worth US$41.7 Billion which rates me as the First richest
woman in the world.
The intention of this email is to seek for a charitable-minded individual, who can identify a viable and guarantee
reasonable distribution of my wealth to the needy. I cannot rely on family and closest relatives anymore, as
they did not show responsible behavior when I entrusted part of my wealth to them to distribute to charitable
organizations but instead they used the money for their personal needs.
To prevent any more mishaps, my attorney will act as a check, monitoring every aspect of the Charity.
My will is with my Lawyer which my family is fully aware about, but there is 5% of my Bank worth which is
($2,085,000000.00 USD) which nobody is aware of except my attorney.
Do get back to me as soon as you receive this email by providing me with your personal information for further
details. Please treat this information as strictly confidential.
I await your response.
God bless you.
Mrs. Christy Walton
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