From: "IRS Commissioner" <>
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2017 11:53:49 +0200 (SAST)
Subject: U.S Internal Revenue Service Department
U.S Internal Revenue Service Department
Internal Revenue Service United States Department of the Treasury
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2283 3rd Ave New York, NY 10035, United States
Greeting from IRS USA.
We the Internal Revenue Service, believed that you received the previous
message we sent to you, prior to your dealings with the U.S Custom
Authority at (JFK) John F. Kennedy International Airport New York as
regards to your over-due contract payment consignment trunk box worth
$8,000.000.00 (Eight million dollars only), which was endorsed in your
favor and like we stated earlier, we have dully screened through this
project as stipulated on our protocols of operation and have finally
confirmed that your contract payment is 100% genuine and hitch free from
all facet and of which you have the lawful right to claim your fund
without any further delay.
This is to bring to your notice that we have just been informed through
secrete source that the U.S Custom Authority at (JFK) John F. Kennedy
International Airport New York are making arrangement to have your
contract fund wired into the Bank account of Mrs Jane Frederick, the lady
that contacted them, earlier and presented some documentations evidencing
your claim purported to have being signed personally by you for the
release of your contract fund to her, since you have chose to ignore their
messages and refuse to pay the required $122.00 for Custom Clearance
Certificate C.C.C. charges as imposed, despite of the advise we gave to
I want to personally assure you once again that you will have every course
to smile and be happy upon conclusion of this project, as we will continue
monitoring all your services with them at all level as well as your
correspondence, until you have received your Metal Trunk Box accordingly,
we are here to protect your interest and that is the reason why we are
doing all we can to make sure all goes well, this is a huge amount of
money which we don't wish for you to lose.
We understand that the imposed fee might be too much for you to pay so to
further make things easier for you, we have discussed with the U.S Custom
Authority at (JFK) John F. Kennedy International Airport New York pleaded
on your behalf for them to give you the grace of sending half of the
charges which will be only $61 for now after which the Diplomatic Agent
deliver your consignment trunk box to you then once you receive your fund,
you can then pay the remaining balance of $61;
All we want you to do right now is to send the half payment of the money
with the name listed below so we can forward it to Benin Republic Customs
authority to help us obtain the Custom Clearance Certificate C.C.C. and
the diplomat will make the delivery to your home address tomorrow morning.
Description of Your Consignment box to be delivered:
Size:....../ 2:1 CM.
Colour:.....BLACK BOX
Registration NO: #98952457
Serial #1256784315
Pin number…*****
Contact us right away and let me know when you will send half of the
charges as we discussed with them to enable them route your fund to you
with immediate effect.
This is a life time opportunity and we will advise you to take advantage
of it, before it will become too late for consideration.
Receiver's Data / information:
Name of Receivers:... JUDE IKED
City Location:........Cotonou
Country:........Benin Republic
Zip code........+229
Question:...... GOD
Answer:.......... BLESS
Amount:........... $61.00
Sender s Name
Also be informed that we came to an agreement with the U.S Custom
Authority at (JFK) John F. Kennedy International Airport New York that you
will be sending half of the fee, latest before the end of tomorrow so
please we will advise that you send the fee right away because if you fail
to do that, then they will have no other choice than to release your fund
to Mrs Jane Frederick who is ready to work with them, and am sure it will
be a very great loss to you as we will not be able to help you then, hence
your fund will be lost forever.
This is an official notification and we advise you treat it with utmost
urgency, in your best interest.
God bless you!
Yours Sincerely,
IRS Commissioner,
Mr. Tony Johnson
Call +12138144439