From: UNCC <>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2017 05:19:46 -0800
Subject: Our Ref: UNCCORG/849IMF/2017
UNCC Secretariat,
Villa La Pelouse,
Palais Des Nations
8-12 Avenue de la
Paix 1211 Geneva 10,
Our Ref: UNCCORG/849IMF/2017
Congratulations Unpaid Beneficiary,
It is obvious that you have not received your fund which is to the tune of � 2.5 Million GBP (Two Million Five Hundred Great British Pounds) due to past corrupt Governmental Officials who almost held the fund to themselves for their selfish reason and some individuals who have taken advantage of your fund all in an attempt to swindle your fund which has led to so many losses from your end and unnecessary delay in the releasing of your fund.
We have been able to track down so many of this scam artist in various parts of the globe, We have been able to recover so much money from these scam artists. The United Nation Anti-crime commission and the United State Government have ordered the money recovered from the Spammers to be shared among 100 Fortunate people around the globe.
You can view this page for your perusal
To effect the release of your fund valued at � 2.5 Million GBP (Two Million Five Hundred Great British Pounds), you are advised to contact the director of payment via his email address with the information below,
Mrs. Ethyl Brasswell
Email address:
Direct Office lines: +1 (507) 369 2686 - +1 (307) 212 5370
Direct Fax Line: +1 (507) 750 1027
On contacting Her do provide Her with the following informations:
Beneficiary�s Full Name �����
Sex: �������������
Date of Birth: ����������
Nationality: �����������
Physical Address: ��������
Telephone Number: �������
We expect your urgent confirmation and response to this email as directed to enable the UNCC monitor your payment effectively. Congratulations.
With best compliments,
Steve Connelly
United Nations Compensation Commission.
We the people�..A stronger UN for a better world
Palais Des Nations
8-12 Avenue de la
Paix 1211 Geneva 10,
+1 (507) 369 2686
CC: National Central Bureau of Interpol.
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