From: Ms Barr Victoria Landome <"www.">
Reply-To: Ms Barr Victoria Landome <>
Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2017 03:30:38 +0900 (JST)
Dear Customer and Client,
Does it means that you are no more interested of making the claimof your outstanding fund US$2.5million of yours which have successful channel to transfer and reflect into your bank and up till this momentyou have decided to remain silent after I have personally took an Oathfor you to secure this fund from the Ministry of Justice Republic ofBenin.With all due respect, if you really know that you are no more interestedof making this claim of your outstanding fund of yours kindly update menow to cancel this Transfer since your negative thought does not allowyou to believe on the reality so send me a declaration letter stated thatyou are no more interested of making the claim so that I will cancel thetransfer.
What makes you think that you will not secure your fund and have Access ofthe fund as Beneficiary? You should know that I have made everything possiblearrangement and get the Ownership Certificate available for you. So kindly gonow and send the only sum of the US$69 to activate the Transfer procurementpayment slip and submit to your bank authority for confirmation of the fundinto your bank account.Does it means you are internationally delaying over this matter? It hasbeen long the announcement of your fund release was made, and is readyto be receive by you, with all due respect to you, we would advice youto go now and send this Fee immediately without any delay and update mebecause I want you to secure this fund as we agreed and signed off thepayment file. Make sure that you scan the Attached Copy of payment slipand forward to me immediately.
Do send the US$69 by Money Gram, Western Union Or RIA Money Transfer asdirected below and update me with the Attached Copies of payment Infor,sfor accountability as directed, also get ready for the confirmation ofthe transfer as I am at your Service now that your Funds transfer is ready.You shall appreciate the effort of the new Attorney General of Federation,UN HUMAN RIGHT and of West Africa Government who has signed the Handoverauthorization of the fund rightly at the Supreme and High Court.
With all due respect, please do not delay to send this fee Today because thisis a last chance and final conclusion, the reflection and the authorizationalert shall be send to you direct from your Bank and shall start withdrawalafter 24hours you got the alert. Kindly do your best now to send the Fee andupdate this office immediately.;- CONGRATS FROM THE OFFICE OF THEATTORNEYÂ GENERAL UN/HUMAN RIGHT & USA CONSULATE BENIN;
On behalf of the Government of the People`s Party and Democratic Governmentof United States of America (U.S.A), I apologize for any delay you might haveencountered in receiving your Fund in the past meanwhile I am in Africa nowto promote Equity and Justice. By virtue of law, you have to go now and makethe payment of the required Fee as directed to activate the Transferprocurement payment slip and submit to your bank authority for confirmationof the fund into your bank account today.
A signal has forward to the authorized Bank by Hon Attorney Barrister RobertMorris the USA Attorney General to Africa to transfer the total fund into your Bank A/C within 48hours once you reconfirm your account and is confirm, mailhim on E-mail; I officially wait for theAttached Copy of Payment Transfer Slip Information Scan for Recorded of yourFunds Transfer to be made immediately. The above money should be sent byalready directive to you, we only within 48hours in favor of the smoothconfirmation of your Funds into your Bank Account, we shall forward theinformation to you once we hears from you.
Finally, remember a letter has drafted and forward to the Africa Union Parnellof Justice, United Nation Legal Firm and Human Right Justice DevelopmentUnits over this issue this is to make sure that the Benin Government will notescape from releasing your fund per the instructions and for SURE, you shallreceive your fund with out ant further protocol upon the confirmation of therequired payment.
Ms Barr Victoria Landome
ESQ Rue Maliwo Lay Out Funtinus In
Cotonou Republic Of Benin West African
Fax: +22902130841 Phone +229 61 01 90 35