UK Financial Intelligence Unit (NCA)
Address: Units 1 - 6 Citadel Place,
Tinworth Street, London SE11 5EF
Telephone: 0370 496 762 (available 24/7)
It has been discovered that your FUNDS was about being transferred to an unknown account and we the UK Financial Intelligence Unit (NCA) stopped the transferred. This attempt was perpetrated by someone who claims to be working for you and that you have given him due authority to have the FUNDS moved to the bank account Bank withheld).
The UK Financial Intelligence Unit waded in after being alerted by the International Monitory Fund (IMF) We investigated and found out that there is a possible money laundering activity in play. The FUNDS was suppose to be deposited in your bank and in your name pending your consent to have it transfer upon which you have comply with the transfer process, It was further revealed that initial FUNDS transfer originated from Africa and now here in our custody . The transfers did not follow due process in line with the International FUNDS transfer rules and regulation. Consequently, we suspect this to have connection with terrorism funding, drug related and/or money laundering whereas it is an inherit contract payment fund of US$10.5M approved in your favor. As stated above, the FUND has your name on it; and you must have it cleared of any connection with any of these illegal activities. Be informed that FAILURE to have this cleared out will attract a state prosecution and possib
Finally, you are expected to have the Non-Resident Banking Legalization and Clean Bill Clearance from the UK authority to have you and your funds cleared. Only then shall we release your FUNDs as clean money devoid of any illegality, and you will be free of any involvement.
Best Regards,
Carr Famer.
UK Financial Intelligence Unit