From: "Mr. Lena Williams" (may be fake)
Reply-To: <>
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2016 13:22:59 -0800
Subject: Dear Friend
Attn: Dear Friend,
I am Mr. L. Williams from United Kingdom a financial consultant to some statesmen here whom have personal and confidential investment needs overseas.
The proposal at hand is very serious and your choice is rather divine.
Secondly, what counted for you is your name ,personality and integrity because I know you would not want to destroy the personality you have worked hard over the years to build. This transaction involves a fortune,so you can understand my concern. This is why you have to personally oversee and practically handle all procedures except otherwise for reasons beyond your control.
Like I did mentioned earlier,the main player in this concern is my very adorable Godfather who also wants his name and integrity protected because he has done all that to become a man and has watched and waited patiently for decades for this opportunity until such a time as this,when he is very sure and convinced that he or we can fish in a safe water.
To be direct and straight to the point, the money in question is about Two Hundred and Thirty Million British Pound Sterling's (GBP230.000.000) being part of Late Billionaire Howard Hughes’ fortune. Find below this link for your confirmation and perusal :
This site will further educate you on the origin and the life story of the owner of this money.
This fund deposit has been there for ages undiscovered and my Godfather has watched and monitored and kept this fund safe as part of his retirement plan. Now for him to be able to claim and use this money without question, he needs this fund out UK and invest it in a far away country from Europe. All modalities are already in place for easy and safe execution. What is important to its success is total commitment from both parties
Further directives will be received from my Godfather and that is only when you have given your positive word of commitment.
Till I hear from you,stay blessed and good luck.
My kind regard,
Mr. Lena Williams.