From: " James Entwistle" <>
Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2016 12:42:38 -0800
Subject: Ali je res? / Is it true?
V vednost: Upravicenec,
Si naroci gospa Carolyn Praass od 168 Lunado Ct, San Francisco, CA 94127, da prejme svoj odškodninski znesek $ 750,000.00 zaradi vaše bolezni? Ali ste v katerem koli sporazumu z njo v zvezi s tem?
Ce niste v polno podporo tega prenosa do gospe Carolyn Praass bi pozdravljamo vašo pisno reakcije proti njej ponovno potrdil naslednje informacije nas:
Vaši polna imena
Vaša trenutna številka mobilnega telefona
Vaš trenutni naslov rezident
Vaš bancni racun in naslov
Tvoj poklic
Prosim, da mi za takojšnje ukrepanje.
S spoštovanjem
James F. Entwistle
Zunaj ZDA veleposlanik v Nigeriji
Attn: Beneficiary,
Did you instruct Mrs. Carolyn Praass of 168 Lunado Ct, San Francisco, CA 94127 to receive your compensation sum of $750,000.00 due to your ill health? Are you into any agreement with her with regards to this?
If you are NOT in full support of this transfer to Mrs. Carolyn Praass, we would welcome your written reaction against it by reconfirming the following information to us:
Your complete names
Your current mobile number
Your current resident address
Your bank account and address
Your occupation
Kindly let me know for prompt action.
Sincerely Yours
James F. Entwistle
U.S Ambassador To Nigeria