From: "REV MICHAEL LUCAS" (may be fake)
Reply-To: <>
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2016 19:37:02 -0500
Subject: Please acknowledge receipt of this important information
Please Confirm This Information As Urgent As Possible Do Have Any Relationship With Ms Jordan Lawrence From USA he Requested Us To Transfer Your Funds In The Amount Of $10million In to her husband business account ,Your Funds Which Has Been Long Approved In Your Name And Was Deposit Here In Union Bank Plc. he As Well Requested That We Should forward Her The Scan Copy Of Your Account Statement stating you made him your next in line kin before you die on october 10th.
Meanwhile,after due scrutiny and verification, I confirmed that you have fulfilled all the necessary obligations that will enable the release of your payment to you, but yet your payment was not released to you due to one flimsy excuses or the other from the Bank officials in charge of your payment, because they had the intention of diverting your funds to their private accounts in order to satisfy their selfish interest.
In consideration of the above, you have been issued with this Exclusive Reference Identification Number (IMF/FRB-NY/9USXX10751/016), Vide Transaction No.: WHA/EUR/202 and Transfer Allocation No.: FRB/X44/701LN/NYC/US, Password: 339331, Pin Code: 78569, Certificate of Merit No: 104, Release Code No: 0876; Immediate FRB Telex Confirmation No: -222568; Secret Code: XXTN014. Having received these vital payment numbers, you are instantly qualified to receive and confirm your payment within the next 72hrs. as necessary clearance has been granted from the International Monetary Funds External Auditors to release the funds to you with immediate effect but we do not know this man you sent to claim this funds.
However, I want you to understand that your Long Overdue is ready and we want you to understand that your fund value sum of US$10,000,000.00 will be accredited to you via ATM CARD System of Payment or Online Banking.
You are require to provide your mailing address were you will like us to bring your ATM Card to, fill the gap with your information for immediate payment.
(1). Your full Name:......................
(2). Delivery Address:.....................
(3). Your direct Tel, Cell:................
(5). Nearest Airport:.................
(6). Your current occupation:.................
Kindly forward your mailling information to our official email address for the safety of this transaction: { }or call me (+234-9027-122-692
We will strictly monitor the process of your ATM MASTER CARD delivery to avoid the hopeless situation created by the corrupt officials from been repeated again.
Please acknowledge receipt of this important information.
Yours faithfully,
Reverend Michael Lucas
Union Bank international payment department
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