From: "iC3" <>
Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2016 11:02:49 +0300
IC3 U.S (Anti-Fraud Unit) we fight against fraud, funds delay and impersona=
tion. Head Office =
To Whom It May Concern. =
The Internet Crime Complaint Center (ic3) which is a partnership between t=
he Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the National White Collar Crim=
e Center (NW3C) herein bring to your notice that after the meeting held wit=
h some Top Officials of about 76 countries worldwide, it has been pronounce=
d as agreed by Most Higher Authorities of different countries who partake i=
n the World Cyber Crime Campaign that the ic3 should be granted right and p=
rivilege to designate a particular strategy that may be used to eradicate t=
he danger related to the usage of the internet world Wide. =
Having put into consideration the best strategy to impose for the achievem=
ent of this great project, we have decided to have every individual who are=
privileged to participate in this event gain direct access to our World Da=
ta Base and Cyber Monitoring Site, through which they can identify which tr=
ansaction or email is real and legitimate before getting themselves involve=
d in any transactions online. =
So therefore, we sincerely appeal with you to please find a reason to resp=
ond to this email with detailed information as regards to any online transa=
ction that you might have been involved in, for the benefit of proper inves=
tigation as to enable us be of guidance to furnish you with accurate inform=
ation upon which transaction you are to engage yourself. =
For further Inquiries, please feel free to contact the direct email to the=
International Information Officer ; internetcrime_complaintcenter@administ= =
Respectfully iC3