Date: Wed, 09 Nov 2016 02:06:54 +0100
Subject: Your ATM card.
Re: Atm Card Fund Notification. We have received an instruction from the of=
fice of the presidency, the federal ministry of finance (FMF), and the sena=
te committee on foreign payments (SCFP), to pay you your contract/inheritan=
ce fund from our bank.This is to notify you that your fund have been progra=
mmed in an ATM electronic card for immediate delivery to you upon reconfirm=
ing your physical mailing address as all arrangements had been finalized an=
d to be released to you as the legitimate beneficiary of the fund, via glob=
al ATM CARD. You are advice to contact our affiliate ATM UNIT CENTER with t=
he information below.(ATM Master Card Number 4000101025717299) has been acc=
redited in your favour. Your Personal Identification Number is 1307. The AT=
M Card Value is $2, 700, 000.00 (Two Million Seven Hundred Thousand United =
State Dollars).The maximum you can withdraw in a day is $4000.00 (Four Thou=
sand United State Dollars) Mr.Mike Moore Here=
is the information they may need to send the ATM CARD to you. FULL NAME...=
.. ............... DELIVERY ADDRESS............. TELEPHONE NUMBER..........=
... COUNTRY.......... ............ OCCUPATION..... .............. SEX......=
....... ............. AGE.......................... A COPY OF YOUR ID CARD.=
..... Yours truly, Victor Eze