Our Ref: WB/NF/UN/XX027
Attention: Beneficiary,
This is to officially inform you that United Nations Compensation Commission (UNCC) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) has mapped a huge amount to INTERNATIONAL
SWIFT CARD PAYMENT CENTRES in 27 countries for distribution to successful claimants. This order was made under the 2016 last phase of the payment mechanism
established by the UNCC/IMF Governing Council to reconcile all debts owed to foreign firm, Next of Kin and Lottery Beneficiaries (including dating/romance scam
victims) who was swindled by fraudster/Scammers.
Moreover, your name was selected from our database list of people who have long outstanding claims, and the UN Compensation Commission has issued an Irrevocable
Payment Guarantee to this office in respect to your over-due payout valued at the sum of $700,000.00 (Seven Hundred Thousand United States Dollars )as part of the
compensation. You have failed to claim because of either non-compliance with official processes by the payment officers who have been handling the payment and we wish
to bring the solution to this problem. Right now, we have arranged your payment through our swift card payment center in with a bank in Malaysia , where this amount
has been deposited in your name. However, while the bank has tried to contact you without success a person in the name of Morris Anderson an American citizen sent a
message and called the bank claiming that he has your mandate to claim the funds. Do you know this person and did you authorize him to claim the funds on your behalf?
If you don’t know him, please let us know by contacting your Card Payment Center Director in Malaysia ,
Mr. Donald M. Edward via this
Email: atmcardpaymentcenterdirector@yahoo.com.br
However, for the process and release of your fund, kindly send the information listed below to the card payment center:
1. Full name
2. Postal Address
3. Your Age and Gender
5. Phone and Fax number
6. Attached Copy of your Passport or National ID
The ATM card payment center has been mandated to issue out $8,000,000.00 (EIGHT MILLION UNITED STATES DOLLARS ) as part payment for this fiscal year 2016. Also for your information, you have to stop any further communication with any other person(s) or office(s) to avoid any hitches in recovering and receiving your payment.
Note that because of impostors we hereby issue you our Code of Conduct, which is (UNCC-07016) so you have to indicate this code when contacting the payment director by
using it as your subject to enable the bank refer to your file in there payment data base to enhance immediate response to you for your payment. We are sorry for what
you must have passed through. Failure to establish contact, your payment file will be suspended due to negligence.
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs. Vivian McCoy
Online Affairs Coordinator
United Nations Compensation Commission
E-mail: c_unitednations@yahoo.com.ar