From: <intern@cityofleb.local>
Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2016 02:06:45 -0700
I am Mrs.Michelle Obama and I am written to inform you about your Bank Check Draft brought by United Embassy from the government of Benin Republic to the white house Washington DC and has been mandated to be deliver to your address on monday being 21st of August 2016 soon as you get back to me with your below information.
Home address:.............................
Phone number.........................
You check is containing the sum of $25 million USD.
Here is my number.(210)816-4938 you can call me or send me an sms, but i prefer sms
because I'm always busy in the office and i cant be able to pick calls all the time.I will be waiting to hear from you immediately, thanks and God bless you.
Mrs.Michelle Obama
First Lady
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