From: Mrs.Raisibe Morathi <>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Sun, 9 Oct 2016 03:47:58 -0400
Subject: From: Mrs. Raisibe Morathi Nedbank South Africa
Nedbank Group Limited - Sandton
135 Rivonia Road, Sandown, 2196
South Africa.
Attention: =
My name is Mrs. Raisibe Morathi Chief Financial Officer, Nedbank Group Inve=
stor Relations, working with Nedbank, here in South Africa.
I and my Director: Dr. Christopher Meares have a Business Proposal to discu=
ss with you about a certain bonded account in our Bank. The bonded Account =
has a balance of USD45Million only, The funds in question was deposited in =
the year 2005 here in our bank to be used in payment of an American oil mer=
chant for his last deal with our client.
Our client Late Roger Brett Kebble of South Africa and Chairman CEO Land-go=
ld and Exploration/JCI Limited: was assassinated on the September 27th 2005=
in his car while driving on his way to a function in Melrose district of J=
ohannesburg South Africa. You can read more about all this on below website:
I will need to present you as the beneficiary in the documents I shall pres=
ent to the bank where the fund is deposited to re-profile the ownership of =
the funds with your data to enable them transfer the fund into your nominat=
ed bank account. Please reply with your full contact coordinates (your full=
name and address Phone/fax etc,) to enable me contact you for a verbal dis=
All I require is your honest cooperation to enable us achieve this transact=
ion. You can also Visit South Africa as soon as possible and stand as my si=
lent partner in order to receive the fund as the sole benefactor and I shal=
l secure all legal documentation to authenticate the existence of the fund =
on your arrival.
Please treat this transaction as confidential matter. I will send you all t=
he details as soon as you indicate your willingness. For More Details Conta=
Dr. Christopher Meares (Chairman)
Tel: +27631158455
Fax: +27865148253
Much Regards
Mrs. Raisibe Morathi
Chief Financial Officer
Nedbank Group Investor Relations
Nedbank Limited Reg No 1951/000009/06, VAT Reg No 4320116074, 135 Rivonia R=
oad, Sandown, Sandton, 2196, South Africa. Directors: Dr RJ Khoza (Chairman=
) MWT Brown (Chief Executive) TA Boardman TCP Chikane GW Dempster (Chief Op=
erating Officer) MA Enus-Brey Prof B de L Figaji DI Hope** A de VC Knott-Cr=
aig WE Lucas-Bull NP Mnxasana RK Morathi (Chief Financial Officer) JK Netsh=
itenzhe JVF Roberts* GT Serobe MI Wyman* (*British) Christopher Meares (Cha=
irman) (**New Zealand) Company Secretary: GS Nienaber 06.05.2011 =
We subscribe to the Code of Banking Practice of The Banking Association Sou=
th Africa and, for unresolved disputes, support resolution through the Ombu=
dsman for Banking Services. We are an authorised financial services provide=
r. We are a registered credit provider in terms of the National Credit Act =
(NCR Reg No NCRCP16).