Date: Sat, 08 Oct 2016 00:06:55 +0100
Mr. Martial Florent Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer. LLoyds =
Banking Group United Kingdom. Greetings To You !!!!! Firstly, I am Mr. Mart=
ial Florent, the Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer of Lloyds B=
anking Group United Kingdom. I am contacting you for a legitimate business =
transaction strictly for you and me alone. I personally discovered a dorman=
t account with a total sum of =A375,000,000.00 (SEVENTY FIVE MILLION Britis=
h Pounds) here in our bank. The owner of this dormant account died. And Sin=
ce his death, nobody has operated in his account because the account has NO=
BENEFICIARY attached to it. According to our BANKING CODE OF ETHICS and de=
cision imposed by the new British Prime Minister Theresa May; this dormant =
fund will be confiscated by law and will be diverted to the British Treasur=
y as Unclaimed fund if it remains dormant for a period of [11] Eleven years=
without any claim. I therefore solicit for your sincere cooperation in tra=
nsferring this dormant fund to your foreign account as the foreign benefici=
ary of the fund to avoid confiscating it by our bank. I will split the tran=
sfer into two 2 stages for easy and smooth transfer. Firstly, I will transf=
er =A35,000,000.00 to any valid foreign account you will nominate. After a =
successful transfer of the fund, I will fly to meet you in your home destin=
ation for sharing. Thereafter we jointly transfer the remaining balance of =
=A375,000,000.00 for big investments in your country. This transaction will=
be done in a legitimate procedure within 11 or 15 banking days to avoid an=
y breach of the law. HOW THE TRANSACTION CAN BE HANDLED: As the Executive D=
irector and Chief Financial Officer of our bank, all our client account det=
ails and file are in my possession and that makes it easy for me to include=
your name as the beneficiary of the fund in all necessary documents involv=
ing the money we wish to transfer out from our bank. Most importantly, you =
will be required to: - Act as the original beneficiary of the funds. - Rece=
ive the funds into a business/private bank account. - At the completion of =
this transaction, the sharing rates shall be 55% for me while 45% for you. =
If you are willing to cooperate in this project reply back to me as soon as=
possible now through my private email below for more details: PRIVATE EMAI=
L: Anticipating for your positive response for more=
details. Yours truly, Mr. Martial Florent
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