From: "Mr.James B. Comey, Jr" <>
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2016 11:34:36 -0600
Attention; NOTE: If you received this message in your SPAM/BULK folder, it =
is because of the restrictions imposed by your Mail/Internet Service Provid=
er, we urge you to treat it genuinely. How are you today? Hope all is well =
with you and family? You may not understand why this email came to you. In =
regards to the recent meeting between the United Nations, Cyber Crimes Comm=
ission (CCc), Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI) and the United States Go=
vernment to restore the dignity and Economy ofa Nations based on the Agreem=
ent with the World Bank Assistance Project to help and make the world a bet=
ter place. We have been having meetings for the past 3 months with the Secr=
etary General of the United Nations. This email come to those who are yet t=
o receive their compensation/inheritance/winnings and who have been scammed=
in any part of the world, this includes every foreign contractors that may=
have not received their contract sum, and people that have had an unfinish=
ed transaction or Compensation payments that failed due to Government probl=
ems etc. Recently we the Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI) arrested inte=
rnet fraudsters and Scammer with large amount of money so if you are receiv=
ing this email its means you where select to be compensated as a scam victi=
m among 100 selected victims with part of the money recover from the intern=
et fraudsters account, . The UNITED NATIONS have agreed to compensate you w=
ith the sum of $9,000.000.00 USD (NINE MILLION DOLLARS). 100 people where s=
elected across the Globe for this MIDDLE OF THE YEAR COMPENSATION and Your =
name and email was in the list submitted by our Monitoring Team observers a=
nd this is why we are contacting you, this have been agreed upon and have b=
een signed, so you are advised to contact Mr. Philip John of the United Nat=
ions Compensation Commission, as he is our representative in United State O=
f America. Contact him immediately for your Compensation payment of $9,000.=
000.00 USD (NINE MILLION DOLLARS) which will be released directly to you in=
accordance with legal clearance and procedures. It is my pleasure to infor=
m you that your ATM Card Number; 4000128498979908 have been approved in you=
r favor. Your Personal Identification Number is 6062. The ATM Card Value is=
$9,000.000.00 USD (NINE MILLION DOLLARS) You are advised that a most withd=
rawal value of $15,000.00 USD is permitted on withdrawal per Day and we are=
duly Inter Switch and you can make withdrawal in any Inter Switch site and=
ATM Center of your choice. However, you should send him your Full Name/ Te=
lephone Number/ your Residential Address/ Gender: Occupation: New email add=
ress for this safety of this transaction Contact Mr. Philip John immediatel=
y for your compensation payment: Mr. Philip John Director- General, ATM Car=
d Payment New York Field Office Phone Number: : +1 (785) 7564736Text Messag=
e Only Email: He is obliged to give you a call and=
treat your case with utmost urgency as soon as you contact him and fill ou=
t your correct details including all reachable phone numbers for him to get=
in touch with you via phone and email. NOTE: Under normal circumstances th=
e collection of your ATM CARD the IMF and the Finance Ministry insisted tha=
t you pay for the DELIVERY FEE ONLY of your ATM CARD via western union mone=
y transfer, which will cost you just $450 USD only, the western union or Mo=
ney Gram payment receipt of $450 USD to the nominated courier company that =
will carry out with the delivery to your door step to be documented in your=
file as proof your collection. Ask Mr. Philip John for the instruction on =
how to send the delivery fee of $450 to him, Please note that the delivery =
fee can not be deducted from your ATM CARD due to the fact that no one has =
the authority to unlucky and use your ATM CARD on your behalf because you a=
lone will be the one to first use the card for the first withdrawal with yo=
ur secret code. We also advise that you stop further communications with th=
ese imposters and forward any correspondence / proposal you receive from th=
em to Mr. Philip John in other for the FBI to bring justice to them. Good l=
uck and kind regards, Making the world a better place! GOD BLESS US. REGARD=
S. Mr.James B. Comey, Jr.=20