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Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2016 06:50:11 +0400
Subject: Hello
Please I kindly apologize for inconvenience, I am MRS BEVERLY MURRAY, a citizen of the United States of America, I am married to Mr. Hubrey Huks murray who worked with American Embacy here in Abidjan Ivory Coast he was a senior adviser to former Ambassador, my husband was murdered on 04.04.2011 during the civil war here in Ivory Coast. We were married for eleven years with only one child, I Have decided not to remarry because, I don't want to have another child outside my matrimonial home. He actually deposited the sum of $12,000,000 (twelve million U.S. Dollars) with security company here in Abidjan. The money is still with the company. Due to my current situation of health, I decided to find a good person that will help to invest this money for my son and use it wisely. That is why I am taking this decision.I need your address, telephone and fax contact so I can send you all documents relating to the deposit. As soon as I receive your reply I will give you the contact of the company, I will also give you an authorization letter that will prove that you were a partner to my late husband, I look forward to your response because I intend to know a little about you. In addition, I want you to know that I undergoes surgery on my ear, which ended badly so, I presently have a problem with deafness due to a lot of shootings and the chock. Up till now I am still taking treatments. I need your support to claim this fund so that my son can be well looked after with your help of course. Sincerely it is because I am going through a difficult financial situation that I wish to contact you. Please assure me that you will act accordingly as I stated. I hope to hear from you soon so as to give you all the details you may need.
For security reasons, I beg you to keep this transaction secret and
Sincerly yours