I confidentially email you,after i read Your profile to make a passionate appeal to you to Assist me claim our family secret deposited fund.Please It�s just my urgent need for foreign partner that made me to contact you for your assistance.
I am very happy to come across a reasonable human being like you and I promised you that I must remain honesty through out this transaction
with you . Please without wasting time I need your honest and humanity to execute this transaction under your kind control for the mutual
benefit of our both families.
After due deliberation with my son i decided to contact you with hope that it will be of mutual benefit to both of us and that you will not betray
me after the fund have arrive into your bank account.THE AMOUNT I WILL DISCLOSES AS SOON AS I HEAR FROM YOU I need your partnership in transferring this sum from my late husband's account as soon as possible..I will finance this transaction , i have made plans for this before i contacted you. I will appreciateyour full contact information so that i will submit them to the security firm and introduce you as my late husband foreign partner who came to claim thedeposit money for investment on our behalf. Once we receive your urgent respond and assurance we will revealed to you all the necessary
information of the deposit and the bank contact details to enable you contact them direct for more verification about the money and also
request for the procedures to transfer the money into your bank account.
Have wonderful day and remain blessed.