This is to inform you that your total fund has been transferred to the Federal Reserve Bank New York, Note: that you will receive your fund through Telephone banking ,by this process you can transact through your telephone keypad which entails obtaining account balances ,list of latest transactions, electronic bill payments and funds transfers between a customer's or another's accounts.From our point of view, this will enable you to access handle the transfer of your long awaited funds yourself leaving you to be in total control of your transaction securely and delivering your funds wherever you want it in a timely manner and without unnecessary bank protocols . The amount available is Ten Million Five Hundred Thousand United States.Dollars (US.$10,500,000.00). All you need is to contact them and get access instructions so that you can remit the funds via tele-banking to any any designated ac!
count of your choice by "yourself"
Your new Payment Reference No is .-35460021, Allocation No: 674611 Password No : 339331 , Certificate of Merit Payment No : 103 , Released Code No: 0763; Immediate Telex confirmation No: -1114433 ; Secret Code No: XXTN013. Please verify and contact us as we have done everything to make sure the your money is credited , despite the grim circumstances down here so there is a green go ahead light meaning" pay" which means the bank is waiting as soon as they hear from you to remit.
Be informed that Mr.Eric Peralta whi is incharge will do all that is humanly possible to make sure that you receive this fund all he needs is your full co-operation for him to serve you well and get your funds to you once and for all,as he might drop your files immediately if he notices any unseriousness from you , he is a high rank and very busy official in the US banking sector today, his contact is as good as gold and would be of high advantage to you , if only you can realize that he is the only one to make things happen now in your side now,follow every instruction he gives you seriously to ensure that this payment reaches you now that we have the opportunity to pay you as there will be no more payment coming under your name and files to you if you miss this payment of this last quarter contact the bank immediately with the below details :
Online Banking Department. 33 Liberty St, New York, NY 10045, United States, Tel:(646) 504-5246
Phone No:text and call (646) 504-5246
Send him the following details so that they can be sure it is really you to ensure that the funds reaches the right hands also reconfirm the following details to him: 1. Your full name And Address 2. Telephone Mobil & Fax Numbers direct lines for easy reach 3. Occupation and Age 4.A scanned copy of your drivers license passport or any valid identification document.
Should you find this message and will like to secure your payment with out further hindrances as was In the past then I mandate you to urgently contact Mr. Eric Peralta. Whatever be the case please get back to me for advice or email me, I plead with you as the transfer has been placed already,(SCHEDULED FOR PAYMENT )! and this is the last payment for this year moreover this is a huge amount of money involved,for the security and safe delivery of this funds to your state side account and also for the payment to be in correspondence with all legal documentations,so that we can update our records here for future references. Having received these vital payment number/information , You are qualified now to received and confirm Your payment in a matter of 48-72 . Please reply and comply to this message urgently and email me back immediately you receive this massage, and once you contact them, I will await your urgent response,please do not border repl!
ying this email if you can not com
Dr. Moshin Ali
(918) 280-9627