From: "Ron Evergreen" <>
Date: Mon, 05 Sep 2016 17:29:34 +0100
Subject: Beneficial proposal !!!
Dear Friend,
This email is strictly confidential and if receiving it does not please yo=
u, kindly delete it and speak to nobody about it please to avoid complicati=
on. For more proof about it please kindly click on the BBC News website bel=
ow and read carefully to confirm every history about the death of Mr. John =
My name is Mr. Ron Evergreen, i a financial consultant with a well known f=
inancial house (BANK) here in London and I am the personal account officer =
to late Mr. John Shumejda who died in a plane crash in the year 2002 in a p=
rivate jet crashed during take-off from Birmingham Airport.
I had a private meeting with My late client same day before the crash and =
this gentleman had plans of investing over GBP=A310 Million Great British P=
ounds sterling into some venture in Dubai, even on the day he met his untim=
ely death we had a long telephone conversation and he told me that he was p=
lanning to make me a director in one of his ventures once it is setup, but =
i was shocked when i head of his sudden death after we spoke.
A few months ago I received a MEMO from my bank as his personal account of=
ficer were i was told that since the death of Mr. John Shumejda in 2002, no=
one has come forward as his next of kin to make inquiry of his deposit wit=
h the Bank, and i have been mandated to search for his next of kin and pres=
ent to the bank who will be entitled to claim his deposit, otherwise his d=
eposited funds will be cancelled and send to the UK Government Treasury Acc=
ount for confiscation. All effort to locate any of his family member has pr=
oven unfruitful and as far as i know, Mr. Shumejda has no next of kin becau=
se he has no children and his wife also died a few years after the death of=
his husband because she could not bear the loss.
i am contacting you to stand as my foreign partner to represent the next o=
f kin to Mr. John Shumejda so that the bank can release his deposited amoun=
t of GBP=A322,5 Million Great British Pounds sterling in your favor on beha=
lf you me and my colleagues who will be working with us in this beneficial =
transaction. Once we have secured all papers to show you as the next of kin=
to my late client and the funds is approved for release to you, I will tra=
vel to meet with you to await the funds in your account. We will share the =
total sum via the following ratio 60% for us and 30% for you as our trusted=
partner, I want to assure you that this transaction is 100% hitch free as =
we have all in place to ensure a smooth conclusion, all I need to do is to =
follow our instructions as am going to present you before the bank manageme=
If you are willing to work with me and be trusted, kindly send the followi=
ng information as to enable me submit your application file to the bank imm=
ediately because we have from now till middle of February to move this fund=
s out of the bank.
The time given to me by the bank to produce the beneficiary to my late clie=
nt deposit is almost up and i cannot let them confiscate the account as due=
to the fact that there is not next of kin, The Bank will obviously declare=
some part of the funds to the government to be confiscated while the remai=
ning will be shared among the directors of the bank. This I do not want to =
happen because I stand to gain nothing, this was my secondary reason to con=
tact you and seek your cooperation to work with my and secure this funds fo=
r ourselves.
Please get back to me ASAP and let me know if this is what you believe we c=
an work out together, I will intimate you more as soon as I get a positive =
response from you.
Yours faithfully.
Mr. Ronald Evergreen,
Financial Consultant.
Phone: +44 703598235
Email: evergreen.ron@yandex