From: "Audit / Account Dept." <>
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2016 21:10:42 -0700
Subject: Re: Inheritance Claim
Dear Respondent,
I am currently attempting to acquaint myself with your family in order to find a suitable heir whose right to inherit the estate of our customer (now deceased) is indefeasible by law provided you are a descendant from the same ancestor.
During the course of our auditing, I discovered a floating fund in an account opened in the bank since then nobody has operated on this account that belongs to one of our late Customer who hailed From your country hereinafter referred to as 'our customer' who worked as contractor with Chevron Texaco an oil magnate in my country and was killed as a result of an attack from Niger Delta Militants. Hence, we are currently handling a high valued financial portfolio of our late customer who clearly shares your last name and it was recommended that I contact you.
In looking for a suitable heir apparent to our late customer, I am specifically interested in the following information:
1. Your full names (no initials pls.)
2. Your Contact address.
3. Your Telephone and Fax number.
4. Your Date of Birth
5. Your Current Occupation.
Could you please send me the information I have requested, along with any other information about you or your family history that might be relevant. I need to make an important decision fairly soon about the administration of his estate on intestacy, so please send me the information at your first opportunity today.
Contact us for more detailed information about this case.
Thank you for your assistance.
Mr. Chris David
Audit / Account Dept.