From: Mrs Joan Gates <>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2016 04:04:26 -0700
Greeting to you. firstly, I got your email address from a mail Directory an=
d decided to mail you for a permission to go ahead. I am Mrs. Joan Gates Un=
ited Kingdom, married to Dr. James R. Gates who worked with Texaco Oil Comp=
any in London, before he died in a ghastly motor accident on his way to a B=
oard meeting. My Husband and I were married without any children,and I deci=
ded not to re-marry and presently I am 69 Years old. When my late husband w=
as Alive he deposited the sum of $16.5M. (Sixteen Million Five Hundred Thou=
sand U.S. Dollars) with a Bank. Presently this money is still with the Bank=
and the management just wrote me as the beneficiary to come forward to rec=
eive the money or rather Issue a letter of authorization to somebody to rec=
eive it on my behalf. I am presently in a hospital where I have been underg=
oing treatment Cancer of the lungs and inability to talk and my doctors hav=
e told me that I have only a few months to live so I think the best thing t=
o do is to use the money for charity purposes. I want a person who is trust=
worthy that I will make the beneficiary of my late Husband's Fund deposited=
with the bank so that the person can get the money and utilize 70% of this=
money to fund churches, orphanages and widows around the world and keep th=
e remaining 30% for his effort. At the moment I cannot take any telephone c=
alls due to the fact that my relatives (They had squandered the funds I gav=
e them for this purpose before now and are around me I have been helping or=
phans orphanage/motherless homes. I have also donated some money for humani=
tarian needs in Sudan, South Africa, Brazil, Spain, Austria, Germany and so=
me Asian countries. I have been touched to the good work of humanity throug=
h you, rather than allow my relatives to use my husband's hard earned funds=
inappropriately. I know i have never met you but my mind tells me to do th=
is, and I hope you act sincerely. I want you send me the following informat=
ion, if you are interested as an enable that you are the right beneficiary.=
As soon as I receive your information, I shall give you the contact detail=
s of the bank, authorization letter and my picture with the doctor as an au=
thenticity of my integrity. Your Full Name, Your Contact Address, Phone Num=
ber, Your Age, Your Occupation and Any of your identifications This is to e=
nsure that nothing jeopardizes my last wish on Earth. I await your urgent r=
eply.( or Regards,=
Mrs. Joan Gates