From: "ALi sabyani" <> (may be fake)
Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2016 05:12:08 +0530 (IST)
Dear Sir/Madam,
I wish this proposals will not embarrass you as I had no previous
with you.
I am Mr,Ali sabyani, a Syrian nationality. My objective is to establish a
viable business relationship with you. I am personal assistant to Late
general Dawoud Rajha(Syrian defence minister) who was killed Wednesday the
18th July,2012 through an explosion inside the Syrian national security
headquarters in Damascus which targeted ministers from President Bashar
Assad''s regime who were meeting with defense officials.
Whilst, I am in a hide out since Wednesday 18th July,2012 trying to find my
way out of Syrian territory,from there i got a muslim africa
brother,who helped me.In the process of war,i lost my father and
mother.I want to tell you that my business is genuine,and i have
proof.please contact me on this email address,because the former one
is infected with virus.So when you contact me,i will forward to you
the documents of the fund and also my document as a syrian
nationality, But my most predicament is the available cash
(?10,500,000.00) at my disposal which I am willing to part to you or your
organization in OVERSEA there so you could invest it wisely into viable and
profit yielding venture in your country. It is my cogent believe that the
profit so accrued from the investment placement annually may be plough
back to me for upkeep in any place or country I may finally granted
I am ready to dialogue and agree in terms and condition with you if you
can accept this funds for investment on my behalf. No matter what your
response may be, kindly advise me without any delay to enabling me know
next line of action.
Yours sincerely
Mr. Ali Sabyani
my email :
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