382 Channel Drive,
Port Washington, NY 11050,
United States Of America
Attn Lucky Winner
The Team of National Lottery Organization are Pleased to officially announce to you the result of the Heritage Sponsored Lottery which was held on 10th Of August 2016 as the Third place prize winner of the Six Million Two Hundred And Fifty Thousand United State Dollar Only ($6,250.000.00). Congratulations! Your name attached to a ticket number 546-373-66773 with serial number 2113-05 drew the lucky numbers 14-8-5-19-28-12-30 which consequently won the lottery in the 1st category, You have therefore been approved a total lump sum payout of US$6,250.000.00, in cash credited to the file reference number: HSL/33372452560/04. This is from a total cash prize of US$53.000,000.00 (Fifty Three Million US Dollars) shared among twelve (28) international winners in this grand category.
All participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from only Microsoft users from over 350,000 companies, and 25,000,000 individual e-mail addresses all over the world. To begin your lottery claim, do contact the claims manager with the information below with your full information and your Winning particulars.
Mr. Richard Olson
E-mail: nationalteamlotto-org@accountant.com
Remittance Department.
Your Security Code is: HLF649PC32 As required by US Federal and State laws, your Security code and Prize information must be kept strictly confidential which means that you are precluded from discussing your winning with 3rd parties such as (Family Members, Friends and Relatives) until your claims has been processed. This is part of our security protocol to prevent unlawful tampering and abuse of this program by some participants. Note that all winning must be claimed not later than two week after the receipt of this e-mail. After this period all uncaimed funds will be included in the next stake. Please note in order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications, do remember to quote your reference number and batch numbers in all correspondence.
These are your Identification Numbers.
Ticket number.....546-373-66773
Lucky number....14-8-5-19-28-12-30
Serial number....2113-05
Ref number.....54132921
Batch Numbers....357H-281
Email Bonus Numbers...PCL-1009021
Award Numbers....HSL/479/2016
Security Code: HLF649PC32
Once again, Congratulations
Mr. Antonio Bartel
Online Coordinator: National Team Lottery,
Sweepstakes International Program.
E-mail: nationteamlotto@gmail.com
Open 7 days 8am-8pm