From: "Heritage Bank" <>
Date: Sat, 06 Aug 2016 12:00:47 +0100
Subject: HERITAGE BANK ALERT (Deposit Notification)
HERITAGE BANK ALERT (Deposit Notification)
This is to notify you of a deposit in your favor with Heritage Bank with d=
etails below:
Transaction Type: DEPOSIT
Transaction Amount: 5,500,000.00
Transaction Currency USD
Account Number 3XX..06X
Transaction Narration WEB Dr @ 29866007-NEXT OF KIN*DEPOSIT 18006994264 80=
Transaction Remarks 413618896864 / 000000000730
Date and Time 02-August-2016. 05:22:26
Deposit charges: 2,345.97
Cleared Balance 5,497,654.03
Uncleared 0.00
This email was sent from an unmonitored account. For any other inquiries a=
nd log in details to your account, please contact our Customer Fulfillment =
Center (CFC) at or call: +234(905)851-6074
You have received this email in accordance with international banking regu=
lations. This is a genuine email from Heritage Bank. However, if you receiv=
e an email which you are concerned does not legitimately originate from us,=
you can report before deleting it. Also, desist from further communication=
with any individual or government official with promises of helping you re=
ceive this payment.
This email message is confidential and for use by the addressee only. If t=
he message is received by anyone other than the addressee, please delete it=
from your computer. Heritage Bank does not accept responsibility for chang=
es made to this message after it was sent.
Whilst all reasonable care has been taken to avoid the transmission of vir=
uses, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that onward trans=
mission, opening or use of this message and any attachments will not advers=
ely affect its systems or data. No responsibility is accepted by Heritage B=
ank in this regard and the recipient should carry out such virus and other =
checks as it considers appropriate.