From: "Royal Bank of Scotland>" <>
Date: Mon, 08 Aug 2016 21:34:26 +0100
Subject: 2016 Payment
Association Of Asia SDN. BHD World Top 10 Biggest Lottery Winners
Charity Donations is giving out a yearly donation of One Hundred
Million United States Dollars as specific Donations/
Grants to 50 lucky international recipients worldwide.
This is to inform you that your Email address have won a prize
money of Two Million United States Dollars, ($2,000,000.00)
as one of the final recipients of a Cash Grant/Donation for your own
personal, education and business development for this year 2016 Payment.
These are your identification numbers:
Batch number.....................A%(0001Z)
Reff number.......................YHUF12411
Winning number...................741661W7
Name:Dr Tan Ajita Jim
Remittance Director
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