From: "Mr. Pedro Quezada" <>
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2016 01:35:24 +0200
Dear Sir/Madam,
Compliment of the day. I am Mr. Pedro Quezada a native of Jarabacoa (Dominican Republic), I won a Jackpot Lottery of three hundred and thirty eight million United States dollars ($338,000,000.00 USD) in the month of March and I and my family have decided to do God's work after having a long talk with some ministers of God and prayer sessions and voluntarily decided to donate the sum of two million United States dollars($2.million) to you as part of our own charity project to support child safety and up bring and Improve the standard of motherless children, and aid low income parents around the world give their children quality education because I had difficulties with the support loan
grant I got for my child the moment I won my Powerball Lottery, as I speak my child case is before the court.
I am doing this to tell the world that helping a child shouldn't be seen as a profitable project but be seen as charity to the needy children around the world.
If you have received this email, then you are one of the lucky recipients I saw the profile on a list of registered email addresses provided to me by Microsoft list from which I picked you.
All I want you to do is get back to me with the below details of yours so that I can send your details to the payout bank because I don't have much to say about myself for I am so over excited for now.
You can verify this by visiting the web pages below.
Best Regards.
Mr. Pedro Quezada