From: "Mrs Essie Marie Ambrose. " <>
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 14:00:04 -0700
Subject: RE: Security and Counterintelligence
Treat as urgent!!
Compliment of The Day,
You are receiving this mail directly from the Head Office of the Security a=
nd Counterintelligence (CI) for United States Investigations Services (USIS=
). I want to bring to your notice that your email was found in one suspecte=
d fraudster's (Real Name: Daniel Uchenna Williams) hard disk and private co=
mputer, arrested and detained on the 22th day of June 2016. =
You have been doing some illegal business sending money regarding emails (=
message body) you might have received either from any Banks, Compensation O=
ffice, Lottery, Inheritance funds, Investment Interest or Next of Kin e.t.c.
You are advised to send copies of all business emails you have received and=
sent for proper review and investigations to the Operations Officer in cha=
rge of your case and stop sending messages to any business contact you have=
n't met within the walls of any office.
Officer in Charge: Detective Solomon Woods.
Email Address:
We strongly apologies for the money you must have lost or invested wrongly=
without proper ideas and orientations, we are working strongly with the Go=
vernment of the United States to compensate you with the sum of US$1,000,00=
0.00 U.S Dollars (One Million United State Dollars) within 4 working days t=
o your valid name and address.
You are to write as soon as possible to the Officer in Charge, (Detective S=
olomon Woods) regarding the funds in your name.
Best regards,
Mrs Essie Marie Ambrose. =
Vice President, =
Security and Counter Intelligence.