Financial Intelligent Monetary Services ( FIMS)
56 Avenue Melbourne Australia
Tel- +61488801973
Fax- + 61286078365
email address(
Reference order /ASXX/PO0-65RV
Scam Compensation sum of $4.9 million dollars approved through World Bank Mass Assisted Project funds. scam compensation was approved to resuscitate those who failed in difference categories of fraudulent business / communications E.G, Inheritance, Contracts, Lottery, Dating, Diplomatic Payment, Fraudulent Loan, Investment, E.T.C, Mass assisted fund was approved to settle failed business and also settle scam attempt / extortion VICTIMS suffered in the hands of unscrupulous and evil minded people
Attn Beneficiary (Scam Victim)
Please indicate if you have received your scam compensation sum of (U.S.D $4.9M) from the new World Bank mass assisted project. We have tried every possible means to contact you since your email where enlisted on the compensation global manifest booklet submitted by the joint task force of World Bank external auditors and international security watch for scam compensation, perhaps, all communications failed. We want to know if you are still alive and interested to receive your compensation, in this regard, we shall finalize your compensation transaction through the appropriate channel l. Note your name have been programmed on government compensation link. We are very much aware of numerous proposals you received daily from different countries
In furtherance, your positive response is required for legal processing of your scam compensation funds approved through World Bank mass assisted project. You may have tried severally but failed in the hands of crooks, you have the opportunity to receive your compensation, disregard messages of business proposals presenting you as next of kin or urging you to claim funds that have never been in existence, the worst is fake marriage proposals created by crooks just to deceive their victim. , your scam compensation funds has legal personality, you shall be informed further with the official gazette guiding the release policy and options available for your scam compensation payment.
NB: The scam compensation has genuine source with all the legal clearance documents approved in your name; the compensation excise has absolute transparent background which integrates financial service policy. Stop patronizing crooks, they have no funds to give you, they survive by fees you send regularly to them, this is an opportunity to claim your Scam Compensation already approved and cleared in your name.
Waiting for your response
Steve Walker
Consultant agent (FIMS)