From: "Mr. Berger Patrick" <>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Mon, 4 Jul 2016 20:18:12 +0100
Subject: Deal For Your Name !!!
Dear Associate,
I am a banker with a bank in Switzerland. I am conducting a standard process investigation on behalf of our Bank an international banking conglomerate. This investigation involves a client and also the circumstances surrounding investments made by this client with our Bank. Our client died intestate and nominated no successor in title over the investments made with our bank running to millions of US Dollars.
The essence of this communication with you is to request you provide us with your information (Address, Telephone and Fax Numbers) / comment on this issue so that I can use my position in the bank to establish your eligibility to assume status of successor in title to the deceased.
You must appreciate that we are constrained from providing you with more detailed information at this point.
Please respond to this mail, send your reply to my personal email as soon as possible to afford us the opportunity to explain further details to you.
Best Regards,
Berger Patrick.
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