Dearly beloved,
Some years ago, we celeberated our nationhood, we were in the top hierarchy of government. Since there is a law which limits foreign donations towards party politics in our country and we were nearing an election period, we decided to use this opportunity to attract donations from foreign countries and other foreign contractors which had benefited or stand to benefit from our government.
The result was awesome, a lot of money poured in, since it was not openly given or stated, we used our positions to acknowledge the funds from the donors and created a special account where we kept the excess of $26,500,000. We used part of the fund in prosecuting the internal party primaries of our desired candidate but unfortunately he did not make it, we waited for another shot in 2012, sadly enough the party returned our flag bearer without any other primaries and as we have foretold, he lost again and my Party contested the victory in Court but lost the case. We prepared again for the 2016 elections but was again disappointed as our party returned our flag bearer again.
The reason why I contacted you is because a lot of investigations and indictments have been going on since 2008 when our party lost the presidency but we thought we were invincible but recently, the current President is getting very desperate to retain power at the coming polls, the government has been looking everywhere more seriously to find anything to link us and our Party members with any kind of fraud, this is why we decided to look for a foreigner who does not have any link with us in whatever form, who will enter into agreement with us and have the fund transferred into their account for possible investment but most importantly for safe keeping, we shall reward this handsomely.
We shall operate from the background and give you all the information needed for you to have the fund transferred into your nominated account, but you must follow our directives to the later. Every correspondence you exchange with the bank or the relevant Ministries must be vetted by us before you dispatch it, when you get any letter from the Bank, you must revert to us for advice before responding.
We hope you understand our position and will respect the utmost confidentiality of what I have just told you, if after reading and you decide not to partner with us, we will understand, but I assure you that if we act in synergy, the money would be in your account within days.
I hope to hear from you soon.
My best regards