From: David Martins <>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2016 04:21:50 +0100
Subject: Metro Grant!!
Earlier this year my wife, Carol and I won over £66m in the National Lottery jackpot. Find the details on:
After taken care of the needs of our immediate family members and friends and helping our community, Hawick, to solve a serious flooding problem, we decided to donate GBP 750,000 each to other unknown ten (10) individuals around the world in need, the local fire department, the Red Cross, and some other organizations in Asia, Europe and Africa.
We are glad to inform you that you have been selected as one of the lucky individuals. You are therefore approved of a lump sum of GBP 750,000 (Seven Hundred and Fifty Thousand Great Britain Pounds). All participants were selected online through a computer ballot system drawn from 30,000 names and 30,000,000 email addresses from Australia, Asia, New Zealand, America, Africa, Europe and Middle East.
The main purpose of this award from us is to support poverty alleviation, aid to personal business development, and enhancement of education plans. We believe this will come in handy and with it you can also be of assistance to the under privileged within your own community.
Note: due to the mix up of some e-mails and names, we ask that you keep this award strictly from public notice until your claim has been processed and your money remitted to you. This is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming or unscrupulous acts by participants of this program.
Your fund is now available for claim
For swift process of your fund, you are to contact our payment bank with the below details:
Bank name: London International Bank
Contact Person: Ali Ashraf
You are required to send them the below information for qualification documentation and official processing of your claims.
Full Names:
Telephone Number:
On receipt of the above listed information needed for verification, your fund will be remitted to any designated bank account you provide in your country.
Quote your REF No: DCM-02-WGD in all of your correspondences with the bank for security reasons.
David Martins
Kartu Indonesia Sehat (KIS) adalah tanda kepesertaan Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN) untuk memperoleh pelayanan kesehatan yang komprehensif pada fasilitas kesehatan melalui mekanisme sistem rujukan berjenjang dan atas indikasi medis*.
KIS diterbitkan oleh BPJS Kesehatan untuk seluruh peserta jaminan kesehatan termasuk penerima bantuan iuran (PBI).
Kepesertaan KIS ada 2 kelompok:
1. Kelompok masyarakat yang wajib mendaftar dan membayar iuran, baik membayar sendiri, ataupun berkontribusi bersama pemberi kerjanya;
2. Kelompok masyarakat miskin dan tidak mampu yang didaftarkan oleh pemerintah dan iurannya dibayari oleh pemerintah
*) Kartu lainnya: Kartu Eks Askes, Eks Jamkesmas, KJS, Kartu JKN BPJS Kesehatan, masih tetap berlaku sesuai ketentuan sepanjang belum diganti dengan Kartu Indonesia Sehat (KIS).