From: "Richard Cohen" <>
Date: Sat, 18 Jun 2016 13:47:02 +0100
Subject: PAYMENT OF $5,000,000USD
IMF Dear Beneficiary PAYMENT OF $5,000,000USD It has come to the notices of=
British Government and this Committee on Appropriation and Foreign Debt Pa=
yment recovering on behalf of the United States Government under the auspic=
es of his Excelency President Barrack Obama, Alexandra Mary of the british =
government, have unanimously decided to plead for your forgiveness and for =
you to revert your distrust on people and the state Government. All efforts=
are being put in place to chastise all our corrupt government officials th=
at projected, represented and tarnished the image of US before the entire W=
orld Community. This is in a bid to uphold and maintain the United States G=
overnment international reputation with the United Nation, O.A.U, World Ban=
k, I.M.F,and Paris Club respectively. In this regard,This Committee has rea=
ched a consensus to offset your outstanding payment sum of $5,000,000USD . =
We shall be glad if you will cooperate immediately with us to enable us fin=
alize the transfer of your payment into your bank account. This committee h=
as been solemly empowered and authorized to offset all outstanding payment =
exclusively for and on behalf of the United States Government. Note that an=
y correspondence or transaction carried out with any other person(s)/instit=
ution except this committee is done at your own risk and thus, we stand no =
chance to accept or condone any complain of misfortune that might arise or =
cause you in such contact. Respond back to us to confirm receipt. Also forw=
ard to us your means of Identification, thereafter we shall Direct you furt=
her on this payment excise. Yours Faithfully, Richard Cohen, UNITED NATIONS=
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