From: =?UTF-8?B?TXJzLiBBbmdlbGljYSBUdWFydWJsZQ==?= <>
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2016 10:56:44 +0200
Good Morning My Dear,
My name is Mrs. Angelica Tuaruble. (CEO), from New Zealand I presently lived in Benin as an industrialist now currently hospitalized in a private hospital here in Benin republic as a result of brain cancer.
My purpose of writing you is because I was led by the spirit of God to offer you the money $15.5million for charity purpose/Investment that I have in my private account,now that is clear that I am approaching the last days of my life. To end the race like this without any family members and no child.
I am 56 years old and if anything happens to me the funds $15.5million dollars will just lost! I want you to receive the funds for the work of God and charity and Investment. May the good Lord bless you for the work you are doing already and may he give you wisdom to continue it .
My bank will send you Atm Master Card $15.5million when you received the Atm Master Card, you will be withdrawing $20,000usd per day from any Atm Machine in your country till you withdraw the total $15.5million dollars completed Or they will transfer the funds directly to your bank account.
I will reveal further information / details to you as soon as I receive your positive reply in my private email:, have a nice day and God be with you.
Mrs. Angelica Tuaruble
(CEO) in Benin
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