From: John Decker Brook <>
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2016 11:22:22 +0100
Subject: Good Day
Good Day,
I am John Decker brook an employee of ING BANK branch here in Nether
lands .I have urgent and very confidential business proportion for
you.I got your contact from the World Trade Centre Online Web direc
tory here in Nether lands. In January 2010 a Consultant/ Contractor
Made a numbered time (fixed deposited) for twelve calendar months
valued at (USD$3,500,000 million United States Dollars) in a
domiciliary account in my branch.
Upon maturity,I sent a routine notification of account statues to his
forwarding address but got no reply, after two months, we sent a
reminder of same letter and finally we discovered from his contact
employers, Sofimation Oy,a Finland Company based in here in
Netherlands that Lewis Andrews Died in car accident.After further
investiga tion, I found out that he did not leave a WILL and all
attempts to trace next of kin were fruitless.I therefore made further
investigation and discovered that he did not declare any Next of Kin
in all his official documents.
This sum of USD$ 3,500,000 is still floating in our bank and the
interest is being rolled over with the principal sum at the end of
each year.No one wouldcomeforward to claim it,according to Dutch
Law,at the expiration of 7 (six) years;the money will revert to the
ownership of the Dutch government if nobody applies to claim these
funds. Consequent upon the above,my proposal is that I would like you
to stand in as the Next of Kin.
I will quickly work out the full docu mentation and change the name to
yours and transfer of the funds into your nominated account anywhere.
We shall discuss the percentage as soon as I hear from you.
John Decker Brook