From: Cathy Tomas <>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2016 07:20:58 +0100
Subject: Global Data Services!!
Dear Sir/Madam,
We wish to introduce our company to you Global Data Service. We are a
consulting firm to Inversis Banco, in Spain. We are conducting a
standard process verification involving a client who shares the same
name with you in an investments made at Inversis Banco, Spain.
The Inversis Banco Private Banking client died intestate and did not
nominate an heir to the investments.
We are requesting that you confirm the following below and your full names;
(i). Are you aware of any relatives/relations having the same surname,
whose last known contact address was Madrid, Spain?
(ii). Are you aware of any investment of considerable value made by
such a person at the Inversis Banco?
(iii). If the above is correct, Can you assume the status of the heir
to the deceased?
At this point, you must appreciate that we are constrained from
providing you with more detailed information. All correspondence
should please be directed to this email address immediately.
Thanks for the anticipated response to this inquiry.
Yours sincerely,
Ms. Cathy Tomas
Global Data Services,
CC: Inversis Banco Private Clients.
This is a confidential message from Banking Data services Ltd
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