Attention:Ryan Rhodd,
Good Day!!!
You may be surprised to receive this letter from me since you do not know me in person. I got your contact through your country business directories and I observe your company profile; hence I decided to write to you in confidence that you will not disappointment me. My name is MR.PAUL BRUWER, the de-facto chief operating officer of ABSA Bank of South Africa (ABSA).
I am contacting you concerning a customer who placed an investment under our bank's management Eight years ago.
In 2007, the subject matter; Ref: SSB/SB/bank/23 was assigned to me concerning one Mr. Brian Wooland (a foreign investor in South Africa) who had a financial portfolio of US$23 Million Dollar, which he wished to have us turn over on his behalf. I made numerous suggestions in line with my duties as the de-facto chief operating officer of the Banking Service Department, especially given the volume of funds he wished to put into our bank to manage. Fortunately it yield to my advice and within months of operations, the accrued profit and interest stood at over (One Million United State Dollar), this margin was not the full potential of the fund but he desired low risk guaranteed returns on investment.
In mid 2009, he asked that the investment be liquidated because he needed to make an urgent investment requiring cash payment in United State. He directed that I liquidate the funds and had it deposited with a bank in United State. I informed him that our bank would have to make special arrangements to have this done Immediately and in order not to circumvent due process, the bank would have to make a 0.2% deduction from the total fund to cater the banking and statutory charges due to the complexities of the task he was asking of . I undertook all the legal processes for further transfer to United State.
This was an astounding position as far as I was concerned, given the fact that I was the one who is managing the transfer processes. The fact now is i last heard from him since October 16th 2009 and I could not understand why he had not come forward for further transfer to the bank in United States.
Last months I decide to embarked in private investigations to his home address and on 14 of last month I got information from the family members that he is dead since November 2009. That he had high blood and diabetics and was admitted in hospital after two weeks he dead. So I decided since he left no next of kin in his bio-data form. To my advantage, I alone know about this, that his dead.
Now My Proposal;
Owning to the above situations, the( US$24,000,000,00 United State Dollar) is at my disposal for further transfer to United State, this is why am contacting you . I am prepared to place you in a position to release the deposit to your account. I will simply transfer the fund to you. We shall discuss the sharing formula as well as the investment plans as soon as we open communication and smooth operation commenced.
In conclusion, I would like you to contact me through this email address should you find yourself able to work with me immediately. I assure you of leak-proof process towards a swift conclusion.All documents regarding this transaction will be destroyed once I receive confirmation of the money in your account thus leaving no trace to anything.
Please note, I send you this massage not without a measure of fear, do not betray my confidence in you. If we should be of one accord, I will also need your Full Name, Direct phone numbers,Occupation to know if you can handle this money,age and main reason of your cell number is for oral discussion via this email:paulbruwerinvestment@gmail.com
Yours Sincerely,
Mr. Paul Bruwer