From: "New York City" (may be fake)
Reply-To: <>
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2016 17:10:29 -0700
Federal Reserve Bank Of New York
33 Liberty St, New York, NY 10045,
Tel.: +1 347 298 3333
Fax: 844-335-7494
My Dear, Good Day
This is to officially inform you that the bank Federal Reserve Board New York Branch has concluded in the meeting today over your long overdue contract payment and agreed that your payment worth US$8.300,000.00 will be released to you through ATM Visa Card which will be delivered to you directly to your home address. I am directed to inform you that your payment verification and confirmations is OK, Therefore, we are happy to inform you that arrangements has been concluded to effect your payment as soon as possible and in our bid to transparency,It is our pleasure to inform you that ATM Card Number: 4000 1010257172299 has been approved and upgraded in your favor . Your Secret PIN Number is 8342. The ATM Card Value is $8.3M USD Only.
You are advised that a maximum withdrawal value of $20,000.00 USD is permitted on withdrawal per day with a minimum of $1000 per withrawal and we are duly inter switched and you can make withdrawal in any location and ATM Center of your choice. We have concluded delivery arrangement with COURIER SERVICE, Courier Company to be fully insured by Nicon Insurance Corporation. In view of this development, you are requested to immediately offset the Courier and Insurance charges of $290 USD through the Company given payment instruction as follows with address of sender and amount also mtcn of transfer is required to enable the receiving company insure and deliver the card to your address;
Name: Joann Knight
Address: Fort Lauderdale, USA
Text Question: God Bless?
Answer: America
Send the Transfer Number to this office for further action. Be informed that delivery will be made to your address in 48 hours after our confirmation of this payment for delivery, as you know that the delivery fee receipt will be used to attach on your payment delivery documents to avoid being delay by the customs.
Advice this office your preffered time of delivery and be informed that your valid ID card must be presented to the dispatchers before release will be done. TAKE NOTE.
Treat very urgently as we also remind you that you?re ATM Card is ready.
Yours in Service,
Mr. Charles P. Thomas