This is to intimate you of a very important information which will be of a great help to redeem you from all the difficulties you have been experiencing in getting your long over due payment due to excessive demand for money from you by both corrupt Bank officials and Courier Companies after which your fund remain unpaid to you. The reason for contacting you is simply because you are listed among the victims who has faced difficulties in the hands of corrupt bank officials in a bid to receiving their payments and the funds are currently floating in the International Financial Database. Hence, The (Ministry of Finance London) and European Union Financial Commission (EUFC), International Monetary Funds (IMF) Bodies under the official responsibility of London Financial Monetary Committee held a meeting on 5th/May/2016, in United Kingdom to resolve the issue of all long overdue contract and inheritance held by the London financial institutions Banks (eg) Barclays Bank, HSBC Bank, Standard Chartered
Due to over rampant internet Banking corrupt activities, and also the High rate of scam on internet, compensation payment was stop. On our information we got about you, we found out that you are among those that have lost money to those internet scammers that claim to have your fund with them. The Board of Trustees decided to cancel the award payment with the bank, this meeting was held in London on 11th of February, 2016.
I am Mr.Jameel Abdulla Hussain, CEO/Chairman Capital Finance One Limited,UK. It may interest you to know that reports have reached our office by somany correspondences on the uneasy way which people like you are treated by Various Banks across Europe to Africa and Asia London UK, and we have decided to put a STOP to that and that is why I was appointed to handle your transaction here in United Kingdom.
After the meeting of 16th/ May/ 2016, an official agreement was reached to Trustees and Capital Finance One limited which took an immediate effect for our Company to issue final Release Authorization worth Twelve Million Five Thousands United States Dollars (USD12,500,000.00).
All Governmental and Non-Governmental prostates, NGO's, Finance Companies, Banks, Security Companies which have been in contact with you of late have been instructed to back off from your transaction and you have been advised NOT to respond to them anymore since the United Nation is now directly in involve of your payment. Your fund will be release to you directly from our source with immediate effect and we shall give you further details on how your fund will be released.
You are hereby advice to provide your information as stated below:
1. Your Full Name
2. Nationality
3. Your Age
. Sex
4. Marital Status
5. Your Occupation
6. Your Home Address
Office Address
7. Your Telephone number
. Fax Number
8. A Scan Copy Of Your International Passport Or Driving License
Mr.Jameel Abdulla Hussain.
CEO/Chairman Capital Finance One Limited,
Address:Copper House,88 Snakes Lane East,
Woodford Green,Essex,IG8 7HX, United Kingdom.