From: Abba Kyari <>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Fri, 13 May 2016 15:14:47 +0100
Dear Sir,
My name is Abba Kyari,Chief of Staff to the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Major General Muhammadu Buhari.
As you must be aware the president since assumption of office has consistently
expressed his zero tolerance for corruption which has culminated in the recovery and repatriation of stolen public funds through the assistance of our Foreign partners.The President has devoid of any bureaucratic procedures that characterized the last regime has appointed me to supervise foreign payments to our beneficiaries.
As the trusted head of his kitchen cabinet, I have vetted and listed your payment
for immediate priority attention based on your claim viz-a-viz the extortion you have been subjected to by both our local and foreign government official and financial correspondent institutions alike.
Void of the usual complicated bureaucratic procedures, upon your reply to
acknowledge this notification, I will order your immediate direct payment transfer through the Nigerian Sovereign Fund Account of the Federal Ministry of Finance under my supervision.
You are also advised by this email not to advance funds to any persons with respect to your payment while you forward the names,email addresses and evidence of payments you have made to these impostors and fraudsters.
Further details will be issued to you upon receiving your reply and call via my
direct telephone number:
You may reach me on my direct email: or
Abba Kyari
Chief of Staff to the President(COS)
& Commander In Chief of the
Armed Forces
Tel: 234-90-93621073