From: "Nash W" (may be fake)
Reply-To: <>
Date: Sat, 7 May 2016 14:37:07 -0700
Subject: The Last Notification
Hello My Good Friend,
I decided to contact you and seek for your partnership in business, Please, I apologize using this medium to reach you,My name is Mr.Nash W.Pam., I am a south African working as Vault Manager with a private Security Company in Ghana. Having worked with this Company for 14 years. Within this period, I have watched with meticulous precision how African heads of states and government functionaries have been using Infinity Trust Security Company to move or relocate their ill gotten money abroad.They bring in these Consignments of money and secretly declare the content as, Precious Stones, Gold Dust/Bars, Family Treasure Etc. The likes of Charles Taylor, the late Jonas Savimbi of Angola,etc.
Some of these past heads of states and president have hundreds of consignments deposited with a private Security Company.Their foreign partners, friends, and relatives, have claimed most of these consignments and a lot of unknown consignments are still unclaimed for the period of 10 years and I am very sure that nobody will ever come for them, because in most cases, the documents of deposit are never available to anybody except the depositor, and most of them are dead. All Consignment (s) claims procedures has since been changed right from the Inception of 2010 till date. As soon as one is able to produce all the secret information as contained in the secret file of any Consignment, it will be released to him/her upon demand. I have finished every arrangement as to the claim, all what I need from you is stand as the beneficiary/next of kin to the depositor and claim it on my behalf for our mutual benefit.
The consignments values and numbers are as follows: consignment No.1201 containing US$15 Million Dollars and consignment No.1202 containing US$22 Million Dollars. Should this be acceptable to you, kindly indicate in writing, while I will supply you with all the relevant information and documents regarding the Deposit of these Consignments as soon as you indicate your interest to assist. I want to emphasize here that this deal is free from any form of risk from both parties as great care has been exercised in perfecting it.Therefore, I enjoin you to approach it with an open mind and without any fear whatsoever. As a deal, I make haste to advise that you should be private about it.
I'm waiting to hear from you feel free to write me in response.
With care.
Mr.Nash W.Pam
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