From: Good news <>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Sat, 7 May 2016 15:46:17 +0100
Subject: Good news
Hello dear, Please, kindly pardon me for any inconvenience this letter may =
cost you because I know it may come to you as a surprise as we have no prev=
ious correspondence. I got your contact as I was searching for an assistant=
in your country, and this is why I decided to appeal to you as a matter of=
urgency. Please read thoroughly and get back to me but you have the Obliga=
tion to decline if you are not interested. I am an industrialist from Phili=
ppine but based in Syria all through my life. I am also a member of the Syr=
ian business men in Council Damascus. My family is under the threat of Pres=
ident Bashar al-Assad for our resolute support for a true Democratic Govern=
ment in Syria. Due to the current President Bashar al-Assad protest in the =
country and you can find out In This
ews/middleeast/syria/ Many families are running for dear lives as their sol=
diers are killing Civilians, women and children. I want to bring to your no=
tice that i have in my Possession the sum of (Nine Million Five Hundred tho=
usand United state dollars) 9.5Million usd in my Possession. This is the mo=
ney I have saved all my Entire Life as an industrialist and I have stored i=
t in a private vault because putting money in a bank here could be a very b=
ig risk in a country like ours. This Money is with the private vault here b=
ut I am going to Consult an envoy in Damascus Who will help me in moving ou=
t the box for safe keeping and Possibly investment in a more lucrative busi=
ness. This is why I am in keen need of a Reliable and Trust worthy person w=
ho will receive the box, secure and protect it till my arrival Which Should=
be soon. I have to take this chance because; I have no other alternative b=
ut to trust somebody. Am an orphan with no brother or sister so I cannot ri=
sk my life here to Avoid an end to my family lineage. All I have is my wife=
, my daughter and son. They deserve a decent life since I want Them to Grow=
Up in a peaceful environment. I will relocate to your country with my fami=
ly and invest the money in Accordance with Law, your advice and assistance.=
We Can Work Together and Achieve a better future for our families. You Wil=
l Have to Please Take Note That the envoy is not aware that the box contain=
s money and this is for security Reasons. All I need to do is to register t=
he Consignment permit in your name as your personal Belonging and that you =
are Expecting to retrieve it once it's in Europe. There will be no risk in =
this deal; I have made the Necessary arrangement for the safe delivery of t=
he Consignment box to your location. I will assume you are capable of handl=
ing a deal of this magnitude and you trust it Look Maintain absolute secrec=
y and confidentiality to protect this great achievement. In less than 4 day=
s you should be with the box if you are your swift Possession on your part.=
Beware; I have Taken Precautionary Measures to secure the money. The box i=
s coded with high security gadget. You Will Be Entitled to 20% of the overa=
ll sum of 9.5USD while 80% will be mine. I believe this is a fair deal. Wri=
te me back for more details. Your response is important to us. Yours Sincer=
ely, MARCELO MUNAR PASCUA. For the family.=20