From: =?UTF-8?B?TUlTUywgQUJJR0FJTCBGT0xB?= <>
m Madam.Abigail Fola, Special Agent at Western Union Dakar Senegal,i sincer=
ely apologize for sending you this sensitive information via e-mail,instead=
of a certified mail, post-mail, phone or face to face conversation,it's du=
e to the urgent and the important of the security information, Sequel to th=
e Conference we hold yesterday with the Anti-Corruption, Financial Crimes D=
akar Senegal investigators, regarding over 11,000 financial frauds we have,=
of which Your name and Email address is among the victims listed. I sen=
d you this message because the Federal Ministry of Finance Senegal Cooperat=
e with the (IMF)international monetary Fund approved a Funds to compensate =
the victims listed, If you are interested kindly contact the Western Union =
Head office Dakar Senegal immediately with your Full Name to enable them af=
fect you the compensation Fund US$2.5 Million, or you come over here in per=
son, contact the head office both on Phone and Email Address to enable them=
communicate with you financially on how to received your own payment US$2.=
5 Million,however provide the below details and send to them.
Your F=
ull Name:..................... Your Country:....................... Y=
our Direct Phone Number:.......................... Your ID copy:........=
The Head Office contact: w.headoffices= Telephone: +221-765 911 065 Fax No:+221-338 246 539=
Respectfully write them to notify you more information on how to claim =
your own payment,let them know that you received an urgent letter from me, =
Madam.Abigail Fola western union money transfer agent Department Senegal be=
cause you are among of the victims. Regard Madam.Abigail Fola west=
ern union money transfer agent Senegal. Office Address: Canal 5, Avenue =
George Pompidou, Dakar, Senegal