From: John Williams <>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Thu, 5 May 2016 00:11:52 +0100
From: Prof.John Williams May 4th -2016 Attention This is to inform you that=
i was sent on a special assignment by the United Nations secretary General=
Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, after series of complaint from the FBI and other Security=
agencies from Asia, Europe, South America ,Australia and the United States=
of America respectively, against the African countries, the government of =
Nigeria and the British Government for the high volume of scam activities g=
oing on in these two nations. Right now, as directed by the secretary Gener=
al Mr. Ban Ki-Moon. We are working in collaborations with the Nigerian Econ=
omic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC) and have decided to waive away a=
ll your clearance fees/Charges and authorize the Government of Nigeria to e=
ffect your overdue payment worth USD $15.5 Million only into your account w=
ithout any delay as approved and instructed by UNITED NATIONS. The only fee=
you will pay to receive your fund is your STAMP DUTY fee of USD$98 only. S=
incerely, you are a lucky person because I have just discovered that some t=
op Nigerian and British Government Officials are interested in your fund an=
d they are working in collaboration with One Mrs. Maija Bukal from Zagreb C=
roatia to frustrate you and thereafter divert your fund into her personal b=
ank account in Croatia I have a very short time to stay here in Africa, so =
I would like you to urgently respond to this message so that I will advise =
you on what to do so that you will receive your long awaiting payment. I wi=
ll send you the payment information upon your response. Yours Sincerely, Pr=
of. John Williams United Nations Under-Secretary- General for Human rights.=
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