From: "Jordom Campbell" (may be fake)
Reply-To: <>
Date: Tue, 3 May 2016 02:20:25 -0700
Having reviewed all the obstacles and problems surrounding the transfer of your (USD$2.5 MILLION DOLLARS and your inability to meet up with some charges levied against
you due to the past transfer options, We the Board of Directors, Bank Of Africa (BOA) has ordered our Foreign Payment Remittance Unit to issue you a CORPORATE ATM CARD
where your payment will be uploaded and today, we got notice that your Payment has been uploaded into this CORPORATE ATM CARD and also have registered it with UPS for
delivery to you.
For your information, The delivery charges has been paid and they were supposed to have shipped your packaged ATM CARD but they insisted that you must re-confirm to
them your current delivery address to ensure accurate Delivery. MOST IMPORTANT:Due to the content of the package,UPS mandated that before your package will be shipped,
A Tax/Stamp Duty MUST be procured according to the New Customs Creed and the essence of such Document is to ensure a hitch-free delivery and the amount is $ 155
Dollar.Therefore reconfirm your current delivery address for the delivery purpose
Contact UPS. Mr. Jordon Campbell
UPS International Benin
Lot No. 23 Patte D'Oie
03 BP 2147Cotonou
Tel:+229 62899118
Fill the below information for the delivery purpose
1.Full Names
2.Delivery Address
3.Telephone Number
4.Your Ocupation
5.Your Age
6.Your Id
We used ups company for this mission because every one knows how liable and trusted the are according to their board of directors in our last meeting with them the
stated that the request $ 155 Dollar is there new rule to ensure that a satisfactory service is given to customers with in 48 hours,we therefore advice you to have the
requested informtion and the Tax/Stamp Duty of ($ 155 Dollar) fixed up quick with the below information to enable UPS hasten up with the delivery.
Use the below informtion in making the payment
Receivers Name======= Daniel Ego.
Country===========Benin Republic
Amount========== $ 155 Dollar
Ups company have never failed to meet up with their customers needs in delivery and the will never fail you,Please hurry now as your package might in cure dumorrages
if it stays more than 2 0r 3 days with UPS..
We appreciate your understanding and also anticipate your quick response for expediency.
Mr.Jordon Campbell
Customer Service
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