From: Mrs.Michelle Anderson Agu <>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Mon, 2 May 2016 10:51:49 +0100
Subject: Contact Western Union Money Transfer for you fund
Contact Western Union Money Transfer for you fund
Are you ready to pick up this $5,000.00 sent to you today? We have
concluded to effect your payment through Western Union Money
Transfer,and to send $5,000.00 daily to you until the $1.2 Million is
completely transferred to you. So you are advice to contact the
Western Union office Benin with below information;
Western union Agent: Mr, Mike Anthony Davis.
Tel: +229 68877492
Though, Mr, Mike Anthony Davis.sent you $5,000.00 today, in your name
and in my present, so contact him and tell him to give you the MTCN,
Sender name with the question and answer to pick up the $5,000.00 and
then start transferring your total money to you as I directed them.
Finally, to avoid anything happening to the money, I deposited it with
an insurance coverage
Contact them now with your information as stated below.
Your full name. ...
Your full address...
your country.........
Your Phone number...
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs, Michelle Anderson Agu.
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