From: "Mrs.Joan Gates" <>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2016 05:21:17 -0700
My Dear Friend, Greeting to you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Let m=
e first of all inform you, I got your email address from a mail Directory a=
nd decided to mail you for a permission to go ahead. I am Mrs.Joan Gates Un=
ited Kingdom, married to Dr. James R. Gates who worked with Texaco Oil Comp=
any in London , before he died in a ghastly motor accident on his way to a =
Board meeting. My Husband and me were married but without any children. Sin=
ce his death I decided not to re-marry and presently I am 69 Years old. Whe=
n my late husband was Alive he deposited the sum of $16.5M. (Sixteen Millio=
n Five Hundred Thousand U.S. Dollars) with a Bank.Presently this money is s=
till with the Bank and the management just Wrote me as the beneficiary to c=
ome forward to receive the money or rather Issue a letter of authority to s=
omebody to receive it on my behalf. I am presently in a hospital where I ha=
ve been undergoing treatment Cancer of the lungs. I have since lost my abil=
ity to talk and my doctors have told me that I have only a few months to li=
ve so I think the best thing to do is to use the money for charity purposes=
. I want a person who is trustworthy that I will make the beneficiary of my=
late Husband's Fund deposited with the bank so that the person can get the=
money and utilize 70% of this money to fund churches, orphanages and widow=
s around the world. At the moment I cannot take any telephone calls right n=
ow due to the fact that my relatives (They had squandered the funds I gave =
them for this purpose before and are around me I have been helping orphans =
orphanage/motherless homes. I have also donated some money for humanitarian=
needs in Sudan , South Africa , Brazil , Spain , Austria ,Germany and some=
Asian countries.I have been touched to the good work of humanity through y=
ou, rather than allow my relatives to use my husband's hard earned funds in=
appropriately.I know i have never met you but my mind tells me to do this, =
and I hope you act sincerely. As soon as I receive your reply I shall give =
you the contact details of the Bank. I will also issue you a letter of auth=
ority that will prove you as the new beneficiary of this fund.Please assure=
me that you will act accordingly as I stated here in and Keep this contact=
confidential till such a time this funds get to your Custody. This is to e=
nsure that nothing jeopardizes my last wish on Earth.May the good lord bles=
s you -Amen,I await your urgent reply.( Regards, Mrs.=
Joan Gates