From: "Mr. " <>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2016 05:56:14 +0530
Subject: Greetings,
Hello, I am Mrs.Annabelle Ben, I am a US citizen, 51 years Old. I reside he=
re in Silver Springs Florida, United States, am thinking of relocating. I a=
m one of those that took part in the Compensation in Africa many years ago =
and they refused to pay me, I had paid over US$47,000 while in the US, tryi=
ng to get my payment all to no avail. So I decided to travel down to Benin =
Republic with all my compensation documents, And I was directed to meet Age=
nt Toms Smith, who is the member of COMPENSATION AWARD COMMITTEE, and I con=
tacted him and he explained everything to me. he said whoever is contacting=
us through emails are fake. Agent Toms Smith took me to the paying bank fo=
r the claim of my Compensation payment. Right now I am the most happiest wo=
man on earth because I have received my compensation funds of $1.5 Million =
US Dollars Moreover, Agent Toms Smith, showed me the full information of th=
ose that are yet to receive their payments and I saw your email address as =
one of the beneficiaries, that is why I decided to email you to stop dealin=
g with those people, they are not with your fund, they are only making mone=
y out of you. I will advise you to contact Agent Toms Smith. You have to co=
ntact Agent Toms Smith directly on this information below. COMPENSATION AWA=
RD HOUSE: Name : Agent Toms Smith Email: You really =
have to stop dealing with those people that are contacting you and telling =
you that your fund is with them, it is not in anyway with them, they are on=
ly taking advantage of you and they will dry you up until you have nothing.=
The only money I paid after I met Agent Toms Smith was just US$350 dollars=
for the paper works, take note of that. As soon as you contact Agent Toms =
Smith he will send you the payment information which you are to use in send=
ing the payment to obtain the document from the court of law there in Benin=
Republic so that your fund can be transfer to you without any delay just t=
he way mine was being transfer to me. Send Agent Toms Smith the following d=
etails if you know you are ready to have your FUNDS so that as soon as he r=
eceive your information he will send to you the payment details for sending=
the $350 USD that is needed to get the document to make the transfer a suc=
cessful one and that is the only payment i made to Agent Toms Smith and he =
help me in the transferring of my FUNDS and i most say that you have to con=
tact him so that he will help you the way he help me to Get my FUNDS withou=
t any further payment. Fill Out the information to him if you are ready to =
get your Funds; Your Full Name:............... Direct Phone:...............=
=2E.... Country................. Occupation:..................... Gender:..=
=2E...... Age:.............. Once again stop contacting those people, I wil=
l advise you to contact Agent Toms Smith so that he can help you to Deliver=
your fund instead of dealing with those liars that will be turning you aro=
und asking for different kind of money to complete your transaction. Thank =
You and Be Blessed. Mrs. Annabelle Ben.
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